NewLine – Q Series Interactive Flat Panels

Newline Interactive offers innovative digital tools to help you work more efficiently, bring interactivity to your students and take collaboration to a whole new level.

Offering interactive flat panels in 55″, 65″, 75″, 86″, and 98″ there is a size to fit any learning space.

Newline’s Q Series answers the call for a more customized and fast-paced digital touch experience.  Plug & play USB-C, the entire setup process is streamlined to one cable and instant access. And it doesn’t stop there! Audio, video, and 65 watts of power are transferred too.The Q Series brings efficiency and high performance to the classroom and your teams. Added security, more customization, and faster performance is a recipe for success! With embedded collaborative tools and a variety of interface themes, Q Series help build a dynamic and engaging environment. The Q series offers the ability to connect those near and far and collaborate on one interactive canvas.



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